How to make 100$ a day from google (UNDERGROUND METHOD)

Today i am going to tell you how you can make 100$ or more by just using google that`s a whole strategy so make sure to read it full till the last. So basically the strategy we are gonna talk about is actually a number of collection of number of different ideas from a few different sources we are gonna be actually kinda a making aggregating and making into one summery is much eaiser to follow cuts out all the useless stuff and focus on simple strategy you can start from any where this strategy will now work if you miss any point to make sure to read it full till the last.

Find a Business

First step How to make money from google. You go out and find a business you wanna find a business in some city. The city that i am gonna use today san diego California. You wanna choose large cities but still you dont wanna be chose missive city where there gonna be so much competition you need to find kinda mid size city. Then you need to find a business goto goggle search for any business suppose doctor and then check weather is there any video sections for doctor if not then that`s great  you at the right spot now what you gonna do is open some link and find the best company or shop and find its details you can go to about section and find all the details of that company. Save all the details some where separate in word file because you gonna need it later on.

Create a Video For Them

Second step How to make money from google. This might sound like a hard part but its really super easy and i gonna tell you how there are some other software which cost a money but i am gonna tell you a free way how you can make video for free goto and signup there after you login you gonna be at automated templete then you gonna select ads then you wanna choese a indesutry on which you wanna make a video chose a templtete that you like then you gonna start to customize it upload images  of the busniess resize them basically you need to fill out all the information that you gather about that company now you gonna create a final video add for them  some thing relatively basic for which you can charge 100$ or 200$

Rank Video On Google 

Third step How to make money from google. Now what you gonna do is to upload that add on youtube and rank that video add on goolge first page. There is so much competition in ranking Website/URL on top but  there is not much videos on top of the page on google for every business it is so much valuable to bring their name on first page. So just to see their video on first page of google search they gonna ready to pay you easily a 100$ to 200$. You also need to make a new Chanel for that specific business and name the chanel name with the name you want to bring on top of searches like example (doctor in san deago) this will be the name of your chanel this is gonna be very important for google ranking. Now after you make a chanel you need to upload a video now you gonna give a title of that video that you are uploading you need make title using three thing 
  1.  Business name 
  2. Business Address 
  3. Phone Number of Business
Because  if you get this video ranked in google it makes it very very easy  for people who are searching for a new doctor or what ever type of business you chose it gonna be very easy for customers to know exactly what is the name of doctor and address and all the details and also google give you big boost in ranking for having those there piece of information. Then paste the whole about us section into a more details of video section add little more keywords about the business

Another way to bring video on top you can hire some one from fiverr to bring you video on top if you want it to bring on top fast on fiverr can find a people how can ranked your video on top in very minimal amount it is optional if you wanna do it fast you can go for it other wise wait for google to bring you link front page 

Contact Business and Get Paid 

Fourth and last step How to make money from google. You can email or call then and say hay i make a video ad for you and ranked on first page of google on highest volume keywords and that it  and thats pretty much all you have to say


  1. Thanks for this informative article.

  2. I am just speechless. That's all :)

  3. There is also via YouTube, well known Youtubers make tons of money! keep it up man

  4. What a really informative piece! I'll keep these tips in mind with my blog.

  5. thanks i saw this on youtube after going throught i made my first $200

  6. Those are awesome tips. I think it's time to make profit of my blog by following your tips.

  7. Great ideas and tips for bloggers to make some money! It's a difficult thing to do, but your method seems doable.

  8. Those are some amazing tips. I would definitely like to earn money that way, who wouldn't . But everything requires effort and nothing comes easy.


  9. Very interesting way to make money! Creative!

  10. This is an interesting way to make some extra cash.


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